Page:Delineation of Roman Catholicism.djvu/26

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18 CONTgNTS. CONII'BB?OX Doctrine of Prote?tanto concerning coufem?_'_on 311, 312 Au? c? of ?he Ch?h ? ?me 312 ?fiof?qu? 31?313 ?fi of T?t ci? 319 ? Ca? 313 ? ? ci? 313 ?e? �for ?t J v? 16 313 ?e?on of the Jem the Baptist 313, 314 "W?nose sins ye remit," &c. 314 ?ney say that it is neeemery, in tion of the sinner 314 It is without Scr?ture authority 314 4. Scripture is against it 314, 315 5. Their argument from antiquity 31�he conession in use different f?om that of. the Church of' Rome 315 F?r?t. l?[?ate confession wts not in use till nine huubed years ?er Christ 315 ?t?y. It was only advisable, not necessary 316 7'A?rd/y. The fathers taught cou* trary thereto 316 6. It perplexes the consciences of. the pious 316, 317 7. The m?rf?y of confession 318! The Roman C?tech?m cited 318 Dens quoted 318, 8. It gives men !?cense to commit sin $19 It is put as & substitute for formaLion 320 Specimens of questions asked 320, 321 9. It corrupts the clerf? Bull ?nst seliclr3nts quoted 3241 10. Their ?r mento in f&vour of it CILq_PTEK X. ' 324, 325 CONTRITXOW AND ATTRXTION 326! 1. Their doctrine stated 3261 Council of Trent quoted 326, 3'27, Explanation of the Roman Cate- chiam 327 Fornking sin is overlcolred 327, 3? I. Their decree con?clieto Scrip- ture 328 3. It produces immonfiity 328 �. Attrition considered 326 Roman Catechism cked 3?9 Bishop Itay's opinion 3?9 Two determinations of Trent on Dens cited ?J0 1 PaW* TMs doctrine is tau? by the? greatest divines ?30 The imperfect sorrow of attrition is considered suf?cient for par- don 330 5. Objections a?ainst attrition 331 (1.) The artrite person my re- tain his love of ? 331 (?.) I? is au insufficient coudition of pardon (?.) It pr?eeds on s hiss prin- ciple 331 (4.) It render? pardon unnece? (5.)?t cannot do more than con- 331 trition 331 (6.) Absolution cannot render it pedect 33? (7.) Absolution cannot change the disposition 6. It is grossly absurd to substitute this for reformation of' life 7. One gross error of' theira is, that men are not bound to repent pre. �uncil of Lateran cited The Roman Catechi Dens cited Bishop Jeremy Taylor cited 333, Obj., "The church requires men to repent at least once & year" And this is the doctrine of their church 8. They err concerni? the /?nd of sins wh?h call for repentance Distinction into morfa? and ? Hence meu are careless about repenting 9. True repentance is itself stlfticiont in order to obtain pardon Their error in aJ?nning that at)* solution must he added to re- pentance And that attrition, with abeoin- tion, will answer 086 CHAPTER XI. SATISFACTION ? . Explanation of satisfaction 337 . Their doctrine stated 337 The Council of Trent quoted 337, 338 The Roman Catechism 339 3. Meaning of the word penauce, or repentance 340 4. Their doctrine is u?l/to?/oum&t- t?on in Scripture 340, 341 5. It is �o?rar? to Scripture 341, 342 6. Satisfaction for sin by man in- volyes many al?uniitiea 842