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Clld?o IV.] Tit&N?'O?T&NTLtTION. 271 M?us, h ?e ?mo of ??us ? Seve?, or ? A. ?. 1?, ?en is b?ug? ? 8? u a?ve.* (6.) Cleme? Ale?nd?us, in the second centu?, says: "The ? of Chest is twofold; ?e one ?s c?n?, by which we are ?cdeemed f? death; the o?er spitimP, by which we ?e ?ointed. And ? m d?k ?e bl? of Jes?, m be ?em of the ?cor?ptibleness of o? ?rd."? In the s?e chap?r he ?ys: "For be ye sure ? &d ?nk wine, for he ? w? a ?n, and he biased w?e wh? he s?d, T?e, ?k; ?s is my bl?, the bl?d of ?e ?ne; for t? expression (shed for m?y for the remission of sins) 8i?es, iraALLY, a holy s?eam of gladness; but ?e ?ing ?t ? been blened wn ?ne, he showed a?, saying m hh &sciples, I will not ?ink of ?e f?it of t?s ?ne ?11 I ?nk it new with you ? my Fa?e?s ?dom."? (7.) In ? t?rd cenm? C?an says: "Becau? ? bl? by w?ch we ?e redeemed and q?ckened, ca?ot sEEH to be ? ?e ? ?e wine ?t REPSESEh'TS ?e bl? o? Christ be not ? ?e cup. A?n: "Therefore our ?, h ? ruble in w?ch he &d pa?e bt ?uquet with his ?sciples, wi? his own h? ?ve bre? ?e; but on ?e cross he ?ve ? the soldiers ?s ?y ? ? wo?ded, ?a? in ?e ?fies, ?e sincere ?u? ?d ?e t?e ?nce? more secretly imp?n?d, he might ex?und w the Gen?es how ? bm? should be ? flesh ?d bl?, and by w?t re? ?ht ?ee ?th effect, and &ve? n?es and ?n? ? ? r?uc? ? one e?nce, ?d the si?f? and the 8i? ?ght ? reckon? (8.) The wo?s of E?ebius ?e ve? decisive ? fayour of ?e t?ne of Pmt?M: "He gave ? ? ?sciples the SYMBO? of ?vhe ?my, ?mman?ng ?e IMAOE of MS O? ?y M ? ?e.? A?: "They received a command, ?co?ng M ?e constitution the New Testament, to m?e a me? of this sac?ce ?n ?le, by the sYMbOLS of MS ?y and he? M?. (9.) Ephrem, patflash of Co?nt?ople, decides: "Tht no ?g ?de?n?ng co?d ny ?at ?ere w? the u?e nat?e ? ?t wMch co?d ? handled and h th? wMch co?d not ? h?, tht wMch w? ?siMe ?d in that which w? ?vi?Me. A?

  • Sm Tay!? on ?1 Presence, 8?. 12, NO. ?.

? �vo 8e? ?v?op, r?reCiv ? ?eXpi6?Oa ? ?ai ? ?fi ? ?o . ? ?. i, p. 370. W?ebu?, 1?. ? ?a? ?.--?. A?. P?., Bb. ?, c. 2, p. ?. ? "?m non ?t vided ? ?uo, quo ?emp. et viv?nti ?us M h ?e; ?o ?um d?it ?i, quo ? m?ub ?te?it?."y?., E? ?. ? ?t i?ue ? ?mr, ?.--O?r. de U?.one. ?.?. ??. ?v., ?. i, c. ? oigitize by Goodie