Page:Delineation of Roman Catholicism.djvu/28

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CO'MTINT9. 8. Is dm?ga? to the olr?e of the 8"t 377 v. 1. ?e ?ne? ?m?b ?8 ?e earli? fn?e? ? ?t ?h it 378 (1.) No? or few, of tho fa?e? mention it ?, (?.) ?ough ?e fa?e? of?n p?y ?or the dea? ?ey never p?y f? thek deliver?ce out o?? 3?, ?0 (?.) In what ?n? ?ey mention ?c ? co? ? futu?ty (4.) ? ?n?ent s?ve?ve of it ?0 (5.) ?e ?nt?ent ? never mvow? as ? ?icle of f?, or of a?li? t?on ? ? for ? I. Theh' te?ony examined Polycarp omits it lg?atins 380 ?81 381 381 381 381 381 ?81 382 382 382 382 382 3? 382 383 C ? C?snstom Tertullian Gresory Nazianzen ?b? Ep?m ?e Au?he 3. Mn? ?s ?!ow ?at ?e ?e of pur? did not exbt ? the H?ve ch?h ?3, �?ntimeuu of the O?k Gho?h ? ?h ?rg? ?5, ?6 1. ? C?ho? ? ? ?n c?- c?g the ?ti?ty 386 2. ?to', ?n of men in? t? clm 3. ?ey follow the e? of the h?- �en on t? ?t ?6 4. But the e?ly Ch? cede the d?t?e ?, ?7 5. S? of the question ? the twe? cenm? VIII�Io ?t? 1. h is c?efiy 8up? by ticns ?d fa? ?1? ?7, 2. ?e pl?e where v?ous?Tmen? ?8, ?9. 3. %e ? de? of p?- m? ?9 �?t? ? ? p?t 1 Copy of �rele?e aM 5. They teach that ?ouls in purgatory are aided by the suffra? of the living 390 Suffrages defined They consider this an article of faith aM Not proved by 1 Cot. x'fi, 26 390, 381 Nor I John v, 16 381 Absurdity of their doctrine in- stanced in s quotation fi?n 6. 3Arho they are who go to purgatory 393 7. It is mi article of faith 393 8. It is supremely superstitious 393 Council of Trent cited, in proof 393 Instances in burials 394 Difference b?tween the poor and rich, &c. 394, 395 Dens cited 394, 39? Instance of this at Blairsville, Pa. 396 Case of Dr. Young's daughter, in spi. 9. The doctrine is a source of profit to the ]?mish clergy 397 This is attested by history 397 Gother's plea considered 397, 398 Decision of Trent does not coun- teract this 398 Three reasons p.m.ving this 398 Purgatorian soctetleS 399-40? Canting the corpse 401, 402 10. Purgatory makes merclumdize souls 402 Instance in Westmoreland co., Pa. 4O2 Traffic in Spain 403 These are not abuse? of the dec. trine 403 11. It is a Pe?erful engine to work on the fear? of an ignorant ?d perstitious people 403, 404 12. It is a gross and grievous false- hood 4O4 13. It is pernicious to the souls of men 404 14. It connects itself with the cor- rupt state of the Church of Rome, both in faith and morals 404, 405 CHAPTER XIII. INDOLOE?CU8 405 I. 8tatem? of their doctrine 405 1. Creed of Pins IV'. quoted 405 2. Dens quoted 405, 406 3. The pope is the sovereign diapenser 40e 4. Conditions and dispositions required in tho? who receive them 4?