Page:Delineation of Roman Catholicism.djvu/297

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HALF people under the species o? bread only, it being believed most certainly, and nothing doubted, that the entire body* and blood of' Christ are realJ� contained as well under the species of' bread as of' wine; the, there- fore, being approved, it is now made a law. Likewise this holy synod decrees and declares, as to this matter, to the reverend fathem in Christ, patriarchs, lords, &e., that they must effectually pun/oh all sueit us 8hah transgress this decree, or shall exhort to communicate the people in both kinds. "�e Council of. Trent declares: "Although Christ the Lord did in the last supper institute this venerable sacrament of. the eucharist in the species of' bread and wine, and thus del/vered it to the apostles; yet it doe8 not thence follow that all the faithful in Christ are bound by ?iivine mtute to receive both kinds.'*t "Moreover, the council declares, that though our Redeemer, as ha8 been before said, did, in the last supper, ?n?t/?te tA/? s?';'?t m TwO EINnS, m?/ tAU? i/el/reyes/ /t to tAe ?o?]e?, it must neverthele88 be ]?anted, that the true sacrament and Christ, whole and ent/re, is re- ceived in either kind by itself."? The f.oHowing canons were also enacted by the council: "1. If any one shall say that all and every one of. the faithful are obliged by divine precept, or as necessary to salvation, to receive the most holy sacrament of' the euchar/st under both kinds; let h/m be accursed. "2. If' any one shall say that the holy Catholic Church had no just and reasonable causes to give to the la/t?, and even to the non-conse- crating clergy, for the communion of' the euchar/st under the species of bread alone, or that it erred therein; let him be accursed. "3. If any man shall deny that Jesus Christ, the author and fountain �*' Cum in nonnull/8 mundi pert/bus quidant tomemr/5 a?everere ]?rmsumant popu- Iron Chrbthnum debate eucharbti? oacramentum sub utraque panm et v/n/ spec/e suscyere. Ethm post cmrmm, vel non jejunum contr? 18udabilem ecclesim consuetu. dinere, rationabiliter approb?tam, qnam ncrile?um damnab/liter reprobate conantur. H/m: est, ?uod hoc prmeeus Concil/m sacnun ?enorule ConstantJensu, in Sp/r/tu Sancto !e?tuno con/Irogutum, adversus hunc errorera stluti fidelium provklero gaM, decJ-arat, discermt,- '- et didnit, quod, l/cet Chriotu$ poet c, mnam/not/ruer/t, ot su/s ?iscipul/s adm?n/struvit sub utraque specie panis et vini hoc venerabile sacramenturn, tastes, hoc non obotante? oanctor?m cenonum auctoritno laud&bills, et 8pprobat8 con- motudo eeclesim ?ervavit .e.t serra.t, .quod .hu.j .u?modi 8?crurnentmn; non debut confici poet c?e? neque & fidel/bus non . . . . "Et sicut cormuetudo hse? ad evttandum shqua penculn et scandals eot muonab*'llter introducta, ?uod, licet in pi?mitiva eccles!a h. ujusmodi sacramentu.m �fideli. b? sub utraque specie recJ .peretu?.; poo.t?. 8 contqclent?bu.8 m2. b utraque specte,. eta IMcm tan- tum?mdo sub opecno pants suoctpmtur; cure certtsstme crodendum mr, et nulhtenus dub/tamlu? iutef?um Chr/st/ eor? et 88n?uinem, tam sub spoc_ ie penis qnam sub specie V/hi veraciter costinet/; ig/tur 8p!?ol?tt, nunc pro ? Jmbendi. Item ipm sancta synodus decern/t et decisrat, super ista materia, reverendis in Chrbto patrilms, et patrisrch/s, et domin/s, ut ef?ectualiter punisnt ess contra hoe riscreturn excedente? qui commun/candum populum sub utr?ue spec/e panis et vini exhortati fuerint."? Couc. CoJuMs., A.D. 1414, ms. 13. ? "F. ts/Christus Dom/nut in ultima c, mna venerabile hoc sacramenturn in panis et v/hi speciebus instituit, et apo?tolis tradidit; non tames /lb institut/o et tmdit/o es teudunt, ut omnem Christi fKleles starufo Dom?i ad utr?nque spociem accip/endm