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CH?,. �II.] yesman, or THB $OS?*. 303 man, a l?r?on with a 8mall bell accomlmmiN him. At ?e ?d of the ?!1, all who hear it ?e obHg? ? f?l ? the? knees, ?d to remain in that ?s? ?11 ?ey hear it no longer. "I? so?d o?mtes like m?c on the S?i?8. In the ?t of a ?y, noisy pa?y, ?e w?,' ?a M?e?,' (A? Maj?ty, the s?e explosion ?ing ?p?ed ? to ? ?d the ?ug,) will b?ng eve? one u?n hb ?ees un?l �e ?kling ?es ? the ?ce. Are you at dinner ? you m?t leave �e t?le; in bed ? you must, at l?t, sit up. But the ?mu effect of this c?m is to be seen at ?e ?s. ? ?e a?h of the host m ?y ? ?d, the ? ?m, ?e men ? ?w? o?, ?d, u ? n ?e p?est c? ? seen, ?ey ?nd &e ?ght ?ee ?d ?vert ?e ?eloc?, pl?ing &e ?int of ?e bayonet on �e ?und. As an o?ce?s ?a? ? ?ways st?ed at ?e d?r of a S?n?h ?e, I ?ve o?en laughed in my sleeve at ?e effect of c? ?th u?n ?e ?to? and the com?ny. ?, ?$, (A G?, A G?,) ?so?d8 from ? parts of the house, ?d eve? one fa? ?ment ?n ?s knees. ?e acto?' ran?ng, or the r?ing of the ?e? ? ?e f?nKo, is hushed for a few minu?s, ?11 ?e ?f the ?11 ?owiug f?nter and fa?r, ?e ?ement is resumed, the devout perfo?e? ?e once mine u?n their le?, a?ous ? m?e amends for ?e The idola? of the m?s ?1 be ?re f?y e?hibited ? ?e "Li?y ? the ble?ed 8ac?ment," w?ch i8 to ? found in most of ?e? ?ks o? dev?on. I quo? ?m ?e "C?sti?'s G?de,"pubShod "by ?? of ?e M?t Reverend Archbishop ?ffield,* B?m, 1?, p; ?1. 0 Sa?o? of I?!, w? ? ?y a ?en ? 0 whom of ? elect, Continual feast, Clean oblation, Lamb withore blemish, Food of --,,gels, Hidden manna, Memorial of the wonders of ?md, Word made flesh and dwelling amon? us, Holy victim, Chalice of beuediction, of f?i? Most high and vanerobie sacrsmea? Most holy ncritice, truly !?opitiatory for the living and tim dead, Heavenly antidote, by which we a?e ptasm'v? furore sin, Most stupendous of all miraelas, Memorial of the most asersd lmssiou of our Lord, Oil? of Ood exceedinS all rubin, Sinfulfir pledge of divine love, ore, flew of divine