Page:Delineation of Roman Catholicism.djvu/406

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400 PUnOA?OR?,. [Boos I1 dates shall be nominated by the persons in office, who shall give due notice to the whole body of' members who compose the office For the dead, that they may punctually attend on the first Wednesday night in July, at half-past eight o'clock, and on the first Wednesday night in January, for the purpose of electing a superior, rectors, and council, to serve the caroling six months, sad so in succession. "Rtd? 5. That each subscriber, on entering this society, do purchase a copy of these rules, in order to defray the expenses incurred by printing, and other contingencies; and that the money arising from the weekly subscriptions shall be disposed of to the most necessitated cler- gymen, who shall be required to give receipts for what they are paid. "Rulz 6. That the spiritual benefits of this institution shall be con- ferred in the following manner, viz.: Each subscriber shall be entified to an office at the time of' their death, another at the expiration Of a month, and one at the end of twelve months after their decease; also the benefit of masses, which shall be procured to be offered by the money arising from subscriptions, and which shah be extended to their parents, relations, and friends, in the following order: that is to say,. their fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, and, if married, husbands, wives, and children, if they have any departed who lived to maturity. . "Ru/? 7. That every member of the office for the dead who serves the society in the capacity of. superior shall, at the time of his death, be enti- fled to three masses, to be offered for the repose of his soul; and also every member who serves the oilice of rector shall be entitled to th$ nefit of two masses; and overy subscriber, without distinction, shall be entitled to the benefit of OhO mass each, provided that such member or subscriber shall die a natural death, be six months a member of the insti- tution, and be clear of ?ll dues at the time of their departure; that care shall be taken, by the surviving superior and rectors, that such soul masses are punctually obtained, agreeable to the intent and meaning of this institution. "Rub 8. That the superior, rectors, and council, be empowered to make (as occasion may require) such by-laws us they shah think ex- pedient, provided they do not interfere with the spirit of these rules s?d by-laws are to be laid before the body at large for their approba- tion, and that Four shall form a quorum on the council. "Rub 9. That the superior shall, on every All-Souls' day, advance to the parish priest of James-street chapel whatever sum is necessary for obtaining an insertion in the mortality list of. the altar the names of. the parents, relations, and friends, of all the subscribers to this insti- tution, to be recommended to the prayers of the congregation at every mass throughout th? year. "Subscriptions received and subscribers registered at the chapel, on every Wednesday evening, from seven o'clock until nine, and in the school room adjoining the chapel, on the first Sunday of February, May, August, and November, being quarterly days, from ten o'clock until one. "The book to be opened for the inspection of subscribers. "J. C, OYNE, The Following article in the London Quarterly Review for Septera* 1