Page:Delineation of Roman Catholicism.djvu/425

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Cs?P. XIII.] INDULOmN4I?. 41? little felt, there is great caution used in the promulgation of indulgences. Under such circumstance8 much privacy and caution are observed. But in Catholic countries, especially Italy, the traffic is still carried on with all the grossness of Tetzel's days, and to as great a degree as Protestant writers represent. We will give a few specimens of recen? indulgences, omitting those of the more gross class. Pope Plus VII. sent to Dr. Moylan, bishop of Cork, a plenary indul. gonce on the 14th of May, 1809, which w, as published in Cork, in 1813. as appears from the following extracts of a pastoral letter published by Bishop Moylan for his d/ocean :* "BELOVEn BaETmtEs,--Animated with the warmest desires of pro- rooting your eternal welfare, we resolved, immediately' on completing our cathedral chapel, to establish a mission in it, of pious exercises and instrnctiorm for the space of a month; and in order to induce our brethren to attend thereat, and to profit by those effectual means of s?nctific?tion, we applied to the holy see for a solemn 1o/?nary indu/- i, mee, in ths form of a jubilee, which the holy father was most ? ?m,?ly pleased to grant by a bull, as follows :-- "' Plus VII., by d/vine Providence, pope, grants unto each and to every one of the faithful of Christ, who, after assisting at least eight times at the holy exercise of the mission, (in the new cathedral of' Cork,) shall confess !gs or her sins, with true contrition, and approach unto the holy communion; shall visit the said cathedral chapel, and there ofl'er up to God, for some time, pious and fervent prayers for th? propagation of the holy Catholic fnith, and to our intention, a p/em? iagulgence, aI?icabl? to t? souls IN PUROATORY, by ?/?y 0f 6?Ir?g? , a? "Such, beloved brethren, is the gras?, the iaestimab? gr? offered to us by the vicar of Jesus Christ. Prepare, beloved, prepare your hearts to receive the fuln?$# o?.t? dit? m?r?l; it is offered to all-- let no one refuse to accept of it. Let sinners, by its ?ns, become just, and let the just,/n? it, become more justified. It is written, God will hear us in the acceptable time; surely this holy time of indulgerex must be that most acceptable time. Those days of greet a?d ? must be the days of your salvation. Ah, profit? tac?__he?.//oeureCon* oiled to your offended God. If you neglect ?lg? sufi'er this holy time of n?nULOSNCS to pass without profiting by it, there b every reason to fear that the time of God's mercy shall pass away from you, never more to return. Behold the trem'm'? of Crog'.? ?,'?c? ?is now open to you! The ministers of Jesus Christ, invested with authority, and ?mbn?eg 1? Ais ?/gr{?, expect you with a holy impatience, r?/y ?o e?e you o/?t ?ot? b,?'d?n ? w?n under which you have so Ion�boured. Were your sins ? red ? scm'l?t, ? tl? ?'? qfsh?/l absolution and application of tl? l?k, nar? ?, your so?ls become white as snow, ?c. "Wherefore, dearly beloved, that you may all know that which, cording to the bulJ of his holiness, is necessary to gain the benefit this ?,./?ary indu/ge?, granted in form of a ju/?e, you will observe, "]? irst, That it will commence in the new cathedral chapel, on the first Sunday in Advent, being the 28th dsy of November iastam? ? to continue to the festival o� St. John the evansdim, the 27th dsy o? . 1.