Page:Delineation of Roman Catholicism.djvu/453

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Carl XV.] etmne. 44? CHAPTER XV. ORDERS, I. N.?T?RE AND INSTITUTION Or ORDERS. 1. Previous remarks-- I. Definition by the Roman Catechism. Dens cited: $. The Council of Trent calls it a scra- meat. Of the imposition of hands. Of the grsce bestowed: 4. The time of its insti- tution: 5. The ? bestowed on the priesthood. Cttecbism cited.--II. THE Nnl- nBn os' ORm?aS. 1. They rn?ko many orders. Council of Trent cited: ?. Whether the episcopato is a distinct order, disputed. The first opinion is, that it is not a distinct order from the presbyterate, but an extension of it. The ?er. ond opinion is, that it is a distinct order from the presbyterate. The tAird opinion is ecrupounded of both, makin? t? priesthood the g?m?, ,nd the presbytsmte and episcopste only ?p?'? existin? in it: 3. The mo?t common of the several order? ststed.--III. WHrmBB ? TaB .?R?. SAC?tAHR?TS. 1. The priesthoo? is i?enerslly c?lled the formdarien of all the or- ders: 2. Different sentiments concerning the episcol?te: $. Whether the de?conship is s sacrament: 4. Of the minor orders: 5. Uncertainty in the number of orders.? I�. TaB Mrssit ORDBHS. 1. Enumeration of them, and of the fona?r? in ps?enlnr. The Catechism cited. Obligations of the tonsure. Their v?rions interpr?tstions of

i. The n?tia?ius, or porter: 8. The reader: 4. The exorcist: 5. The acolyte.--

�TaB GREATER O?t HOLY ORDEBS. 1. T?e sub-deacon: ?. The deacon: :8. The priest.?Vl. THE EmsCOPA??-. I. Definition of this order by Bailly: ?. The power of ?d?': $. The power of j?d?c?n, or go?nm?. Evasion of the Council of 'Front. Benedict XI�. cited. Diversity of sentiment at the Council of Trent. Com- mon opinion since that time: 4. Their prere?ttives: 5. Their functions, or ofF, cos: 6. Seven i?!es of bishops: 7. Election ofbishups: 8. Consecration: 9. Arguments for the princely character of bishops examined: (1.)Their ?rl?[uments from Scryture? t Tim. v, 19, considered; (2.) Bishops not the only !?tstors. Poptsh bishops not preachers. Detmtss at Trent on this topic; (3.) They say the power of ord?in? othem propsdy belo? to'bishops. Armwer?; (4,.) Their ?'?ument from the high priest consMeted; (5.) And from the apostles and seventy; (6.) Authority of the fathers; (7.) Authority of the Council of Trent; (8.)Argument from prescription: 10. A.?um?nts n?st their claims; (1.) Three distinct opinions on this point; (i.) Accor?in? to the-New Testament, presbyters ? bishops were the ?ne; ($.) Such also is the opinion of the ansieat fathers; (4,.) Arguments of Wilier on this Point; (&.) A lgiotity ? apostles ?ive.? no ground for ?eir system; (6.) Es?)ecitlly ? p?,ely dominies (7.) Only two orders in the New Testament; (8.) Testimony of the fathers is a?nst them. The apostolical fathers. Cyprisa. Epiph?nius. Arabrosiest,. Jerome.? VII. No? sSvsN OBDE?tS 0? CLBBOY.----VlII. OBDB?tS ?0 SACStiIB?'. 1. DO not confer ?rsce: ?. Cannot be miterated: 8. Osiers alone would ? senna sacraments at least: 4. Are not instimid! by Christ: 5. They bye neit?r outw?,d element nor words of institution: 6. Our Saviour used no imposition of hand? in appointing apostles: 7. Many Roman Catholics do not admit the inferior orders.? IX. ?�MAq'?B AND FORM. 1. In three osiers there a?e seven distinct opinions con. cernin? m?ttor ?d form: 9. Of imposition of hendR: 8. Qnsli?,?ons of' t?e psion the cl?efpoint, according to Scriptm?.?X. TaB Msms'tsH oF O-reNAmes. 1. Their bis!?s not better qualified th?n l?'oteatant bisho?: ?. Eve?'y ch? hath power to ordain ministers: (l.) Prophets and teachers l?id hands on Paul and (2.) The contrary is aboard; (:8.) The form nnd manner ofordnJnit? were not uniform m the six,tins' titans; (i.) Every church is at liberty in this; (8.) Timothy ? oralMined ? t? ?esthoud; (a.) Orion ? thus onhiMd; (?.) Iken? oftb A?rkan Chu?h (8.) P?siVt?s and bisl?l? c_?joindy erdaned in ti? i?mitiv? church; (O.) ? ordain the minor orders.?XI. THs Eta, Bets m, 0H?BBs. 1. Enum?'?tion of them: 2, Of ,actamental grace, and ? of the Holy Ghoet: 3. The indelible character. Council of Trent aired. Dens quoted. And ]hilly. 0hjections against charaeter.? ?II. Tn? CmmmlOml. O? I. Tb n?w? rata/n?/a?/?a ?/'wul?, ? d ?tr ?n fJ? C?? Rome. I. The clergy, in the Church of Rome, .are divided into two divi- sions, viz.: the ?*csbr, or those who exercme any public function in 1