Page:Delineation of Roman Catholicism.djvu/47

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0HIP. II.i 'SCRIPTURE. 39 Milner, niL, that the/r church Im an exclusive ch/m to the 8cr/pture: 7. Their objections sEa/nEt the Protestant rule, considered; oh)action, "The 'Church had not the ?cr/pture always." "Many books of the 01d Testament are lost.** They deein the Bible unaece.?a?. They have no �erta/a ru/?: 8. There is no new revelation in the church to constitute a new rule; not the church; nor the fathers; nor councils; nor decrees of popes; nor trad/tion.?V. How THE SCBIPTUMSS ABE THE ]?.ULE OI.' FAITH. 1. F/r#!, Scr/pture /8 the rule to form a ?t?rffct fd//]t, as far as man is capable: 2. Sleekly, It is the rule to form it in & degree of ?.?'/?'y for salvation: 3. For th/8 purpose a man need not study the question of the canon of Scripture: 4. Nor know the original languages: 5. Nor consult interpreters: 6. Four things only are required to form a true faith, which may be obtained by all; F/r?rt, to know what ftf?tci?t for salvation: 7. Secon/y, Adapted to the capacity of all: 8. Forms a true perrit?/o? in the mind: 9. Fo?'tMy, Free f.rom injt?r'/ostJ ?'m*.-- �[. ALL AER TO BRAD THE SCRIPTUBES. ]. Doctr/nes/)f the Church of' P?ome on point. Fourth rule of the Index. P/us VII. Bull of June 29, 1816. The pope*s bull of. ?eptember 18, 1819. Bull o� Leo X., dated May 3, 1826. Bull Un/genitus ?n 1713. Discordant opinions of RomanisMs on this. Priest Maguire cited. Sent/meets of the lr/sh clersy. Some, however, a/Tact to approve of circulating the Scryture. B/shol) Purcel's opinion. Mr. Henni's sentiment. Some really f?avour their circulation, but they are generally opposed to it. The Scr/pture in South Amer/ca, and at Rome: 2. All should read the Bible in their vernacular to.n?ue: (1.) The Jews read them; (2.) The New Testament enjoins it; (3.) The primitive Christians read them: 3. AT. gumants a?ainst the B. oman Catholic restriction on Scripture reading; (1.) Their 9z/?w/o? is erroLrant and absurd; (2.) Their rc?t,'wtion amounts to a prohibit/on; (3.) They are oppowcg to the word of God. They have barely lp�?m/tt�?/, not for their circulation. They refused to permit the British Bible Society to circulate the Douay Bible. They are against its circulation, which is proved by f?/J. No analogy between the proceedings of'the Bible Society and the Church of Rome; (4.) Their people not allowed to exere/se their judgment in readin? Scr/pture. Creed of Pins IV. cited. Dr. Milner quoted; and Gerber; (5.) They do not /nEtruer their People to rural. Milner quoted.?VII. THRIB OBJRCTZOS8 TO SCB?PTUS? READING, STATED AID ANSWERED. 1. Obj., '* The Scripture /s wrested by' some to the/r destruction :'* 2. ebb., '?F,*nat/cism results from i)rombcuons reading:" 3. 0hi., '? It Drnduce8 heresies**' Features of resemblance between Romanism and Socinisn?sm; F/"r,t, The ,'?cin/an does not adopt the Prute?tant rule, nor is he & Protestant; ,?q?con/t�, The divin/ty of Christ can be proved from Scripture; Tiird/y, There are strong feattires of resemblance between Romanism and Socinisnism; lat., In doctrine; 9?1. In the libeft/es taken with Scryture; ?d, In the rules of. interpretation; 4th, Yet SociniaFm and Roman/Its are to be distinguished: 4. Obj., �r/pture reading produces sch/mn :" 5. Obj., "It produces disloyalty, insubordination, and rebellion :*' 6. Obj., "It does more harm than good :" 7. Obj., "Christ and his apostles did not propagate the gas- ps by' r/ting, but by teaciting. ?VIII. THE CAso?q oF SCaMPTYRE. 1. The Pro- testants have the same canon of the Old Testament with the Jews: 2. The Apocrypha was not added to the Chr/stian canon during the four first centuries of Christ/anity: 3. Five reasons against the canon/city of the Apocrypha: 4. Their introduction into the canon of. modern (tate.?IX. GE.'?UINENEUS, AUTHENTICITY, AND ISSPIRATION OF ,?'*CRIPTtTEB. 1. Remarks on tradition and church authority: 2. The genuineness of' ,q?cr/pturc: 3. Its authenticity: 4. Its inspiration.?X. ENGLISH TRANSLATWN. The best scholars extol it. The Douay Bible formed upon it. The Scriptures were translated among the prim/five Christians.?Xl. RETORT ON THE CHURCH OF ROME, BOTH IS REGARD TO TBANSLAT?ON9 AND TaR ORIGINAL. 1. They treat with disrespect the or?nal, by preferr/ng the Vulgste: ?. The Vulgate examined: 3. The Douay Bible: 4. Their ,?o/?J on it: 5. They have not issued the or/p?nal Scr/pturcs.?XII. DIFFICULTIES IN CONBULTINO TIlE RECORD8 OF THE?HUBCH OF ROME THA? OF SCRIP* r?sR. DilFJcultiee of their plan. Facilities of the Protestant way. I. DOCTRINE OF THE CHURCH OF ROME STATED, RESPECTING THE READING, AUTHORIT1', &C., OF SCRIPTURE. 1. WHE.'q the Roman Catholic speaks of Scripture, he does not mean thereby the Hebrew and Greek of the Old and New Testaments, but rite Vulgate Latin edition, or the Douay and l?hemish translations. embracing also the ApocD'pha. This is his Bible, and this, together 1