Page:Delineation of Roman Catholicism.djvu/487

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.CM?P, X�.l oftpints. 481 (t.) It is sentroT. to 8eripture. Judas, by tm?pemioe, fell from or forfeited his bishopric. St. Paul nys a bishop or pastor must be blameless. The wicked are forbidden to mini0tor in holy things. (2.) The immoral tendency of this docuine on the lives of' the clergy is too glaring to need comment. (2.) And, like priest like people. Thoes who are taught by such apestates from truth mid righUmunees, will soon learn all manner of wickedness in the place of receiving instruction in nghteousue?. (4.) Besides, innumerable proofs could be drawn from antiquity, to show that immoral and heterodox ministers were rejected and expelled from the church of God. (5.) Many testimonies might be brought from pious Roman Cathe- -!ie? themselves, to show that, though they' my* technically hold to the decwine in question, they teach principles which entirely overturn the doctrine itself. It were an eawy task here to army the Chure? of Rome against the Cimrch of Rome. X[I. TAd cersmoss? oforddr?. They ,,uoint the hands of such as are ordained with oil They also �shave their crowns; md the higher degree of prismbxxl requir? largeF crowuH, As for the supeutitions eustom of anointing, it is a Jewish rite, and therefore unsuitable to the ministry of C.? It is enough to say here, that ? custom is without authority from Scripture, and without ample in primitive Chrbtimfity. As for the shaving of the crown, it is worse than a Jewish oeremouy, es it seems to have been taken from tim heathen. The Jew? were forbidden to shave or make bald their heads. It was a sign of mo?e holiness among them mot to suffer the razor to come upon their heads, �u my be seen in tho law of the Nmrites. Optatus relwoveth the Donati?te, that shave the heads of their priesre. "Show where it is commanded you to shave the heads of priem; whereas, on the oontrary, there are so many examples fur- nished to show that it ought not to be."*

  • Docete ubi vobb nandatum eat rodere ? racercloture, eton �contra sint tot

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