Page:Delineation of Roman Catholicism.djvu/49

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follows a list of the books of the apocrypha and the Old and New Tes- taments. For the sake of brevity. we omit the list. The decree con- cludes as follows :--" Whosoever shall not receive, as sacred and canonical, all these books, and every part of them, as they are commonly read in the Catholic Church, and are contained in the old Vulgate Latin edition, or shall knowingly and deliberately despise the aforesaid tra- ditions, let him be accursed. The foundation being thus laid in the confession of faith, all may understand the manner in which the council intends to proceed, and what proofs and authorities will be. principally used in establishing doctrine and restoring order in the church." The decree concerning the edition and use of the sacred books (Decreturn de editlone et usu sacforum libforum) is as follows :- "Moreover, the same most holy council, considering that no small advantage will accrue to the church of God, if, of all the Latin editions of the sacred books which are in circulation, some one shall be dis- tinguished as that which ought to be regarded as authentic--doth or- dain and declare, that the same old and Vulgate edition, which has been approved of by its use in the church for many ages, shall be held as authentic, in all public lectures, disputations, sermons, and expo- sition8; and that no one shall dare to presume to reject it, under any pretence whatever." "In order to restrain petulant minds, the council farther decrees, that in matters of faith and morals, and whatever relates to the main- tenance of Christian doctrine, no one, confiding in his own judgment, shall dare to wrest the sacrYd Scriptures to his own sense of them, contrary to that which hath been held and still is held by holy mother church, whose right it is to judge of the true meaning and interpreta- 6on of sacred writ, as contrary to the unanimous consent of the fathers, even though such interpretation should never be published. If any .disobey, let them be denounced by the ordinaries, and punished accord- tug to law."* ceptee, ant ab ipsis Apostolis, Spiritu saneto d/ctante, quasi per tnanus trad/tm, ad U?lue pervenerunt; orthodoxorum Patrum exempla sccuta, otnnes libros tam veteri? quam novi Testsmenti, cutn utriusque unus Deus sit auctor, necnon traditiones ipsas, turn ad fidera, turn ad mores pertinentes, temtquam vel oretenus st Christs, vel st $piritu ?ncto dictetas, et continust succes?ione in Ecclesia Catbulica con serrates, pari pietatis affectu ac feverchrist suscipit, et veneratur. Sacrorum veto !ibrorutn indicetn hu/c /ecreto adscribendutn censuit; ne cui dubitatio suboriri possit, quinam sint, qui ab ipsa Synods suscipiuntur. Sunt vero infra scr/pti. * * * * * Si quis stutem libras ip*os integros cam omnibus 8uis part?u9, prout in Ecclesia Csttholica legi consueverunt, et in veteri vulgats Latins editlone habentur, pro sacris et canonic/? non suaceperit; et traditione? prmd/ctes sciens et prudens contemtpserit; anathema ?/t. Stones itsqua mtell/gant, quo oralins et vist ip?. Synodus, post.iactutn fidel confes?iones fundamentum, s/t progn?sura, et qu/bus pot4ssimutn testitnomm ac prmsidi/s in conf?mandis dogmati- ling, et instsurandis in Ecclesia tnoribus, sit usura."--Con. ?r�/d. #esot. /?., de?'rctstnt d? canon?'i? scripturic. �Inm?er eadetn sac?ta Sy?odus con?iderans non parutn utilitstis accedere po?e Ecclesim Dei, si ex otnnibus I. mtinis editionibu?, qum circutnferuntur, escrerutn librerum, quinnare pro authentica habendst sit, innote?cat, statuit, et declarat, ut hmtc ipm vetus et vulgate editis, qufft Iongo tot seculorem usu in ipsa F, cclesia probats eet, in publici3 lectionibus, disputationibu$, prmdicationibus, et expoeitionibus pro authentiest hsbea?r; et ut netno illam rejicere quovis prmtextu audeat vel prmsumat. Pl?eterea, ad co/?rcendst petulentia Jngenist, decemit, ut neffto, sum p.ruden. timt innixus, in rebus fidel set tnorum, ad mdiflcationem doctrinmt Christianm perunenuutn, sacram scriptumm ad sooe senms contorquens, contra eutn esnoum, queen tenuit et tenet umt?r Ecclesia, cujus eat judicare de vero senau et interprotationo 8cripturarum uno- 1