depart in peace. I know what has to be done now."
At that moment the keeper came outside again.
"He is past speaking," he said, "but he gave me to understand by a sign that he has put all his affairs in order. Nicodemus Pania," he added, turning towards the grandson, "can you assure us on your conscience that we may leave here with quiet minds?"
"Except for the holy sacrament of extreme unction, you need not have come at all. What business have you to meddle in my affairs?" answered the grandson truculently.
"We must carry out the law! And don't raise your voice like that, Nicodemus Pania!" retorted the keeper.
"Enough, enough, no shouting," said the priest, pointing to the hut.
"You are always teaching that there is only one duty in life, and that is to do one's own duty," said the keeper sententiously.
Paul sprang to his feet, struck by those words. Everything he heard now seemed