Page:Democratic Ideals (Olympia Brown).djvu/117

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Federal Suffrage Circular

ticipate in the closing exercises of the Exposition.

The Santa Clara County officials entertained the Association, and among the meetings and receptions arranged for was a very enjoyable occasion at the home of our vice-president, Mrs. Watson. Federal Suffrage Day was held at the San Diego Exposition by request of the management.

The Association had representation in the Women's Peace Party, and has become auxiliary to the National Council of Women of the United States, which gives it international relations.


The membership of the Association is national, and all who read this are invited to join. Annual fee, $1. Sustaining membership $10. Further information and argument can be obtained by addressing any of the officers.

While we must work along all lines until full suffrage is secured for all women, our demand, based on the Constitution, adds dignity to the whole movement, and lays upon men the responsibility of protecting women in their heritage of liberty according to the foundation principles of our Government.

Clara Bewick Colby,

Corresponding Secretary.

304 Indiana Ave., Washington, D. C. March, 1916