Page:Democratic Ideals (Olympia Brown).djvu/39

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The Woman's Tribune

In another issue, May 30th, 1903, we find beside suffrage notices and other matters pertaining to the cause, a description of a suffrage tour which she made in Wisconsin for the State Suffrage Association in company with its president. Her account of various places visited is most interesting. Among others, in reporting her visit to the city of Wausau she gives an account of the Philosopher's Print Shop. The following quotation is given since many are unacquainted with the institution:

"A very unique institution of Wausau is the Philosopher's Print Shop, at the Sign of the Pine Tree. The Philosopher is a little monthly magazine after the order of the better known Philistine, but with a character and charm of its own. Mr. Ellis is the literary genius of the picturesque log cabin; Mr. Van Vechten has the important office of financial backer, and Mrs. Van Vechten presides over the book business which is now growing into notice all over the United States. A dozen or more well-known classics have been reproduced in limited editions in as elegant shape as best print and paper, binding and illumination can provide. Every sheet is placed on the press by Mrs. Van Vechten and the exquisite illumination is also her work. A book just being issued is Robert Browning's poem, "Saul." The frontispiece and border were designed by Mr. Robert