Page:Des Grieux, The Prelude to Teleny.djvu/100

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young fledgling, before its feathers appear, or the fur of a new-born kitten. The touch of that fine hair was so electric that before he knew what he was about his whole hand had slipped between the young girl's thighs, rubbing, grasping, groping what he found there, and his lips were on her mouth.

"Gaston," quoth she, weakly, "what are you about?"

"Camille," added he with some show of courage, "are we not to be man and wife soon?"

"Think of the sin and the shame."

"Bosh!" said he, thrusting his other hand in her breast and feeling her flesh.

She feigned to thrust him off from her, but in a feeble way, managing to throw down the sheet and almost slip out of her shift; moreover she lost strength at every assault, whilst she only excited him by her struggle and the sight of her naked charms.

At last doffing off his coat and waistcoat and letting down his breeches he climbed on the bed and mounted on the breach.

Thereupon the combat began anew, and