Page:Des Grieux, The Prelude to Teleny.djvu/125

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"Put your finger in and see how moist it feels," said he.

I should, in fact, have liked to continue my explorations but the girl began to screech so loud that we had to let her go.

From that day, with other girls and boys of our own age, or thereabouts, we often compared notes, we measured whose pizzle was the thickest and the longest, whose unhooded most, and above all who could piss the farthest and the highest. It was a triumph indeed to see that water spout up as high as our heads, and sparkle in the sun like real oriental topazes. The girls—I know—envied us such a feat; but then they did what we could not, they filled up their little goyntes with pebbles, for how far does human vanity not reach!

Another delightful thing was to get some girl to lie across our knees, to open her pants, and slap her buttocks till it made our hands, as well as those quiescent lobes, red as poppies, hot as ovens, and tingle with pain; stilwe found an unexplainable pleasure in the sound cuffs we gave, for it almost made our