Page:Des Grieux, The Prelude to Teleny.djvu/127

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others trilling merrily with mad delight,—whilst a few added their short and jerky notes which blended themselves in harmonious unison to the great concert, whilst the grave enckoo seemed to be slowly keeping time to them all.

My school-mate was squatted on the sod, having his sister's friend across his knees, he had lifted up her white petticoats, pulled open her cambric pants and exibited two rounded lobes of flesh, like a large melon cut in two, only that the colour instead of being orange yellow was of a faint pinkish tint.

To our delight he opened the two lobes widely apart, and thus discovered the little browish dot of her tiny hole, and, forthwith, tried to force his finger into it. The aperture, however, was too small, and as he thrust his index brutally within it—saying that he was planting a May-pole—the poor child screamed with pain.

"Sotte," said he, and pulling out his finger he gave her such a smacking slap, that the white flesh was at once flushed, leaving the incarnadine sign of his five fingers. The first