Page:Des Grieux, The Prelude to Teleny.djvu/132

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This woman possessed a pussy, and there was no mistake about it. How I wished my friend had been with me, I might have convinced him of the truth of my assertion, for although little girls—as a rule—had no hair around their slit, women had a regular fleece there.

And yet I hardly believed my eyes, it seemed impossible that she could have such a lot of hair in that place and no beard on her chin, though she had a slight moustache.

As the nurse was sound asleep and suoring loudly, I thought I might just try and see if the hair grew there naturally or if it was a kind of bib to cover her shame. I just passed my hand lightly, tremblingly, over the fur, it was long, crisp and curly; it seemed to grow there. The nurse continued her rumbling noise: I therefore just caught hold of one or two hairs and pulled them slightly. All at once she gave a kind of snort, moved, and her hand came down upon nime. I slipped away my hand, popped down quickly and crawled noiselessly under the bed.