Page:Des Grieux, The Prelude to Teleny.djvu/139

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same thing, just as some boys call a birdie a handle," any how, in my soliloquy I kept repeating the new word lest I might forget it.

"And you did not go to see if he was in his bed?" was the master's query, for he was always fond of putting everlasting questions.

"No, I turned the other side, and I went off to sleep."

"Then you must have been dreaming."

"Yes I suppose so."

After that they kissed, then the bed creaked again, and she added:

"No, no, you had better go away now, it is almost broad daylight, you came so late."

"Yes, I over slept myself."

Some more kissing took place, then he jumped down, did something to her, but I don't know what, then they kissed again.

"Ta, ta,—on Wednesday next," said he at last.

"Yes," added she, drowsily wallowing on her bed.

The man crept away on tip-toe. He opened the door noiselesly, cast a glance on either side of the passage then sidled out.