Page:Des Grieux, The Prelude to Teleny.djvu/141

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standing beside me, but instead of her face I saw her huge pussy; and I kept muttering the above quoted phrase to myself.

I must, have looked at her with scrutinizing astonished eyes, for the virago seemed for a moment quite abashed.

"Why are you looking at me so surprised?" she asked.

"Oh! nothing."

"Still, you seem so bewildered," added she coaxingly.

"I… I think I've been dreaming."

"About what? my pretty pet!"

"I… I don't think I remember."

"Now just suppose you' try a little."

I was itching to ask, still I durst not.

"Come, you are a darling of a child, do try and think what it was."

I paused for a moment, then encouraged by her loving words, and prompted by the curiosity I felt:

"Mrs Lachand…" said I, with a fluttering heart and a trembling voice.

"Well? my love."

"Please, will you tell me what futtering is?"