Page:Des Grieux, The Prelude to Teleny.djvu/18

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of lovely females entwine their arms, wind their legs and press their budding breasts together, leaping and handling and sporting and toving with each and one another—he orders the fairest of all these houris—a dainty virginette—to shake her thighs lecherously, just enough to show the slight distortion of her tiny slit.

Soon however, not being satisfied with this, anti wishing to see more—he bids her lift her beautiful rounded leg and catch her pink-white toe with her small and tapering fingers, and—like a ballet-girl—caper on her other foot.

To bid is to obey.

The secret parts gape wide, the small gap reveals its hidden treasure, the delicate rosy lips, like the flushed petals of some living flower, display a beauteous world of pulpy flesh, in which a tiny pistil is thrilling sensuously.

At the sight of her perfect, beauty, his passion overpowers him, his pulses throb, his brain swims, and—the vision being so vivid and real—he forgets himself entirely,