Page:Des Grieux, The Prelude to Teleny.djvu/70

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kind feel such a dread to be laid on the soft bosom of our mother earth, and be for ever rocked in an eternal sleep?

Her ideas soon became vague and indistinct, the image of death alone prevailed over all others. As she was dropping off to sleep she with a certain horror roused herself up, fearing lest she was going off into a trance.

She jumped out of her bed, walked up and down the room and tried to keep awake. The looking-glass, in its porcelain frame, on her dressing table attracted her attention. She went and sat down in front of it. She was still pale but her eyes had lost their hollow look, any how she was languid, weary…

If he came, might he not find her ugly?

If he came? Then she wished, she longed for him to come. "No no," said she, half aloud to herself, as if for greater conviction, "if he comes, I shall scream, I shall rouse the whole house."

But he would not come. Midnight was ringing on the clock downstairs. She shuddered. He was not coming. She sighed a