Page:Des Grieux, The Prelude to Teleny.djvu/75

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had hardly ever tasted the sweetness of a woman's kiss.

Soon after, her senses shivered with inexpressible pleasure, when he bent down and with the tip of his tongue titillated her nipples, making the nerves within them throb with an almost unbearable sensation; meanwhile his fingers deftly touched her hair, flitted over her body, and his toes slightly tickled the soles of her naked feet. Her whole body coming thus in close contact with his own, was tingling with excitement, her brain was giddy, her head was on fire. Her maidenly modesty was thereupon hardly shocked when he put his prickle within her hand, for she hent it with utmost eagerness, and even began rubbing it against the lips of her little slit, that now had recovered all its life and freshness, and was gaping with lust to receive it.

But now that she was thoroughly herself, he wished to initiate her more fully into a new delight and madden her with lechery before giving her the utmost satisfaction man can feel, or woman either; a pleasure he had