Page:Des Grieux, The Prelude to Teleny.djvu/78

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he was so painfully wedged in that tight orifice that he was all but circumcised by it; this was the second reason. The smart pain, however,was soon unheeded; she wound her arms round his neck, he clasped her by the waist—and they began to pop up and down whilst he wriggled and shook his buttocks; then she leaped and he bucked so that all the remaining bulwarks of her shattered maidenhood were soon battered and laid waste and his prickle penetrated up into the deepest parts, and there—like a jet d'eau—it squirted forth spasmodically a flood of love's milky sap. They panted and they sighed, then they cooed like amorous doves. After a short rest, without taking out the arrow from its quiver, they began feeling each other's flesh; with the palms of their hands they toyed with each other in every possible way, even biting each other like frolicsome dogs. Soon they lusted once more, their wits wildered, and they forthwith began again love's amorous fray. Several were the assaults given, and different were the sieges and the ways in which the lusty battles were fought. The