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  • Antelopes, generally polygamous, 217; horns of, 234, 504; canine teeth of some male, 502; use of horns of 509; dorsal crests in, 530; dewlaps of, 531; winter change of two species of, 543; peculiar markings of, 543.
  • Antennæ, furnished with cushions in the male of Penthe, 276.
  • Anthidium manicatum, large male of, 279.
  • Anthocharis cardamines, 308, 312; sexual difference of colour in, 322.
  • —— genutia, 312.
  • —— sara, 312.
  • Anthophora acervorum, large male of, 279.
  • —— retusa, difference of the sexes in, 292.
  • Anthropidæ, 152.
  • Anthus, moulting of, 392.
  • Antics of birds, 380.
  • Antigua, Dr. Nicholson's observations on yellow fever in, 195.
  • Antilocapra americana, horns of, 234, 504, 507.
  • Antilope bezoartica, horned females of, 505, 506, 507; sexual difference in the colour of, 535.
  • —— Dorcas and euchore, 504.
  • —— euchore, horns of, 509.
  • —— montana, rudimentary canines in the young male of, 514.
  • —— niger, sing-sing, caama, and gorgon, sexual differences in the colours of, 536.
  • —— oreas, horns of, 234.
  • —— saiga, polygamous habits of, 217.
  • —— strepsiceros, horns of, 234.
  • —— subgutturosa, absence of suborbital pits in, 529.
  • Antipathy, shewn by birds in confinement, to certain persons, 411.
  • Ants, 147; large size of the cerebral ganglia in, 54; soldier-, large jaws of, 63; playing together, 69; memory in, 74; intcommunication of, by means of the antennæ, 89; habits of, 147; difference of the sexes in, 292; recognition of each other by, after separation, 292.
  • —— White, habits of, 291.
  • Anura, 349.
  • Apatania muliebris, male unknown, 254.
  • Apathus, difference of the sexes in, 292.
  • Apatura Iris, 307, 308.
  • Apes, difference of the young, from the adult, 8; semi-erect attitude of some, 52; mastoid processes of, 53; influences of the jaw-muscles on the physiognomy of, 54; female, destitute of large canines, 63; building platforms, 82; imitative faculties of, 129; anthropomorphous, 153; probable speedy extermination of the, 156; Gratiolet on the evolution of, 177; canine teeth of male, 502; females of some, less hairy beneath than the males, 601.
  • —— long-armed, their mode of progression, 52.
  • Aphasia, Dr. Bateman on, 88.
  • Apis mellifica, large male of, 279.
  • Apollo, Greek statues of, 581.
  • Apoplexy in Cebus Azaræ, 7.
  • Appendages, anal, of insects, 276.
  • Approbation, influence of the love of, 109, 116, 131.
  • Aprosmictus scapulatus, 457.
  • Apus, proportion of sexes, 255.
  • Aquatic birds, frequency of white plumage in, 495.
  • Aquila chrysaëtos, 408.
  • Arab women, elaborate and peculiar coiffure of, 583.
  • Arabs, fertility of crosses with other races, 171; gashing of cheeks and temples among the, 574.
  • Arachnida, 272.
  • Arakhan, artificial widening of the forehead by the natives of, 583.
  • Arboricola, young of, 468.
  • Archeopteryx, 158.
  • Arctiidæ, coloration of the, 314.
  • Ardea asha, rufescens, and cærulea, change of colour in, 494, 495.
  • —— cærulea, breeding in immature plumage, 484.
  • —— gularis, change of plumage in, 495.
  • —— herodias, love-gestures of the male, 380.
  • —— ludoviciana, age of mature plumage in, 483; continued growth of crest and plumes in the male of, 485.
  • —— nycticorax, cries of, 368.