Page:Description of the Abattoirs of Paris.djvu/14

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  £. s. d.
Tolls arising from slaughtering cattle, &c. 39,286 13 0
Tolls arising from melting tallow 2,062 5 0
Tolls arising from washing and dressing tripes, &c.. 6,046 18 0
Tolls arising from rent of slaughter-houses 213 0 0
  47,608 16 0
To which must be added the revenue derived from the sale, by public auction, of blood, manure, and sewage, as these belong to the syndicate [1] 1,203 0 0
Total of Income. £48,811 16 0
The expense of the agents and labour for the abattoirs 2,117 15 0
The expense of materials for the service of the abattoirs. 1,826 17 0
Restitution of undue and overpayments 200 0 0
Repair of slaughter-houses, stalls, stables, and other


814 0 0
  4,958 12 0
To which must be added the payments of the syndicate for salaries of inspectors, petty expenses, charity, pensions, &c.[1] 1,203 0 0
Total Expenditure 6,161 12 0
Revenue of all the abattoirs. 48,811 16 0
Expenditure 6,161 12 0
  £42,650 4 0

The following are the receipts at all the abattoirs for the three years up to and including 1846 :-

  £. s. d.
1844 44,077 14 0
1845 46,822 19 0
1846 47,608 16 0

The Author was induced to undertake this inquiry, with a view to the general introduction of abattoirs into this country, as a branch of the sanitary system, and he has also endeavoured to dis- cuss the question of their applicability as a commercial undertaking.

He has here given such a selection from the information current on this subject as he conceives to be most interesting and consistent with the objects of the Institution. The Paper is illustrated by an engraving of the Abattoir Mont- martre, impressions of which are permitted to be taken for the use of the Minutes of Proceedings.

  1. 1.0 1.1 From the "Almanach du Commerce de la Boucherie, 1846.