Page:Destruction of the Greek Empire.djvu/507

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INDEX 461 Bolero, Emperor Michael's hunting- ground, 17 Boniface IX., Pope : procures aid for the Greeks : the expedition defeated (1396), 110 Boom, the, across Golden Horn, 221, 271, 287, 290 Boucicaut, Admiral of Venetian and Genoese combined fleets, 111, 137 Brancovich, George (of Serbia) : sup- plies men and much money to the combination against Murad II., 159 ; refuses to break the treaty of Szegedin, 163 ; relations with Ma- homet II., 311 Brienne, Gautier de, duke of Athens, 69 Brousa : its surrender to Othman (1326), 64; captured by Timour, 145 ; Bajazed buried at, 147 Bulgaria : Baldwin's expedition against (1204), 3, 7 sq., 25 ; allied with Tartars in Thrace, 64 ; pro- cured aid alike from Turks and Tartars, 99 ; fate of Eastern Bulgarians sealed at Maritza (1371) and of Western at Cossovo-pol (1389), 108; end of the kingdom (1393), 134 Burgundians at Nicopolis, 135 Burgundy, Louis of, 40 Byzantine art : its influence upon the West, 413 Caligaria : defence of its walls, 221 Caloyers (Greek monks) : defenders in the great siege, 250, 259 Cannon, Urban's monster gun, 231, 245 ; account of other large guns, 231 n. ; various names for cannon, 246 ; size of stone balls thrown, ib. ; probably not mounted on wheels, ib. ; Urban's great cannon de- stroyed, but afterwards recast and again used, 245 ; Turkish superior- ity in the use of cannon, 252 ; siege of Constantinople an era in employ- ment of large cannon, 252 ; brass cannon, in use, 252 n. ; destructive effect shown in ithe siege, 255 ; Greek words used for ' cannon,' 292 n. Cantacuzenus, Andronicus : a defender in the great siege, 249 Caraja, leader of European Turks : killed at Varna, 168 Caraja Pasha: head of European division of Turks, 243 ; position in final assault, 325 ; suffers defeat, 359 Caristo, an old Venetian : a defender in the great siege, 249 Castriotes, George. See Iskender Catalan Grand Company. See Boger de Flor Catalusio, Catherine, wife of Constan- tine Dragases (died 1442), 203 n., 298 n. Cesarini, Cardinal Julian, 125 ; papal legate at Constantinople, 159 ; persuaded Ladislaus to violate the treaty of Szegedin, 162 ; his pretexts in justification, 163; at the battle of Varna, 166, 168 Charles VI. (France) : refuses Manuel's proposed vassalage, 111 Chateaumorand, lieutenant of Bouci- caut, 112, 137 China : Timour's intended invasion, 147 Clement IV., Pope, 31 Clement VI., Pope : his efforts to check Moslem progress : sends a fleet against Turks, 81 ; the expedition massacred, ib. ; the pope's relations with John Cantacuzenus, 82 ; desired a Council to settle Union of the Churches, 83 Christ, Tower of, 270 Chrysoloras, Manuel : taught Greek at Florence, Pavia, Venice, and Borne, 405 sq. Coco, James : scheme to capture Turkish vessels in Cassim Pasha Bay, 279, 283, 288 Colonies of Westerns domiciled in Constantinople, 77 Comans (or Tur-Comans) : a band of, in service of Latins, 13 Commerce, the stream of, through the Bosporus, 23 Constantine XI., Emperor (sometimes called Constantine XII., Dragases : 1449-53: brother of John VII.): ruler in the Peloponnesus, 171 ; defeated by Murad II. : compelled to pay tribute and surrender territory to him, 172 ; becomes last Christian emperor : crowned 1449, 201 ; the Union question combined with desired aid from the West, 202 ; preparations for its formal com- pletion, 203 ; the emperor's relations with Mahomet II., 211 sq.; the fortress of Boumelia-Hissar, 213 sqq.; Mahomet declares war, 216 ; preparations against siege, 219 ; help from the pope, from Venice and the Genoese, 220; Justiniani made Commander-in-chief, ib.