Page:Devil-Worship in France 1896.djvu/186

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even supposing that it was fabriquée par mon bisaïeul James, de Boston, as hazarded by elect Magi whom a remnant of reason hinders.

The “Memoirs of an Ex-Palladist” have not at present proceeded further than the translation of Thomas Vaughan into the paradise of Lucifer, but from the “Free and Regenerated Palladium” and from other sources the chief incidents of Miss Vaughan’s early life may be collected and summarised briefly. We learn that she is the daughter of an American Protestant of Kentucky and of a French lady, also of that persuasion. She was born in Paris, and a part of her education seems to have been received in that city; her mother died in Kentucky when Diana was in her fourteenth year, and I infer that subsequently to this event she must have lived with her father, who had considerable property in the immediate vicinity of Louisville. When the Sovereign Rite of Palladism was created by Albert Pike, Vaughan became affiliated therewith, and was one of the founders of the Louisville triangle 11 + 7; he presided at the initiation of his daughter as apprentice, according to the