Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/42

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24 Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. Christopher Gale, and other Closes, etc. (Close Rolls, 14 Geo. I., 4th Part, No. 21.) George Hunt, who styles himself " of Northwick, Esq., in his will signed 31 Oct., 1766 (proved 19 Jan., 1768), leaves all his freehold lands and tenem" in the parishes of North Bovey and Throwleigh, immediately upon his own decease, to " my grandson George Luxton, son of Thomas Luxton and Elizabeth his wife, my daughter, of Winkleigh, Esq.," with remainders to " my granddaughter Elizabeth Luxton, sister of the said G. L.," and '• my granddaughter Mary Luxton, younger sister of the said G. L." He leaves Tarr Mill in S. T., immediately after his decease, to ♦' my grandson George Hunt Clapp, son of Robert Clapp and Mary his wife, my youngest daughter, of Ottery St. Mary, gent.," with remainders to " my grandson Francis Hunt Clapp," and others. All the rest of his messuages, lands, etc., including North Wyke (though not named) he leaves to " my daughter Elizabeth Luxton " and " my daughter Mary Clapp," stipu- lating that they are to yield up their respective moieties to the sd. George Luxton and the sd. George Hunt when they shall have attained the age of 24 years. In a "case for counsel," dated 27 Apr., 1774, it is stated that " Northweek " had been mortgaged by Hunt to one Mr. Marwood and leased to Robert Clapp for a term of 14 years. It is further stated that Hunt's son-in-law, Thomas Luxton, " died about six months ago," and complaint is made that though George Luxton has attained the age of 24, and has been allowed by his mother Elizabeth to live in part of Northweek House and to receive part of the rents, she has made no surrender to him of the estate. Besides the daughters Elizabeth and Mary, George Hunt would seem to have had a son, named after himself, who predeceased him ; for in one of the Manor-Court Books of Bovey Tracy (preserved in a safe at the Rectory) I note under the date Oct. 22, 1748, the item: — "Wee p'sent the death of the Rev. Mr. George Hunt; and his two brothers- in-law to be taken tenants in his room " ; and in a Court of 1749, "Tenants presented to be admitted: . . . Mr. Clapp and Mr. Luxon for Park and Five Weeches (Wey) late Rev. Mr. Hunt's." Again, in a Court of 1751 : — Among tenants