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places, and standing waters, thou sayest there, thou wilt not heal[1]. My returning to any sin, if I should return to the ability of sinning over all my sins again, thou wouldst not pardon. Heal this earth, O my God, by repentant tears, and heal these waters, these tears from all bitterness, from all diffidence, from all dejection, by establishing my irremovable assurance in thee. Thy Son went about healing all manner of sicknesses[2]. (No disease incurable, none difficult; he healed them in passing). Virtue went outof him, and he healed all[3], all the multitude (no person incurable), he healed them every whit[4] (as himself speaks), he left no relics of the disease; and will this universal physician pass by this hospital, and not visit me? not heal me? not heal me wholly? Lord, I look not that thou shouldst say by thy messenger to me, as to Hezekiah, Behold, I will heal thee, and on the third day thouw shalt go wp to the house of the Lord[5]. 1 look not that thou shouldst say to me, as to Moses in Miriam's behalf, when Moses would have had her healed presently, If her father had but spit in her face, should she not be ashamed seven days? Let her be shut up seven days, and then return[6]; but if thou be pleased to multiply seven days (and seven is infinite), by the number of my sins (and that is more infinite), if this day must remove me, till days shall be no more, seal to me my spiritual health, in affording me the seals of thy church; and for my temporal health, prosper thine ordinance, in their hands who shall assist in this sickness, in that manner, and in that measure, as may most glorify thee, and most edify those who observe the issues of thy servants, to their own spiritual benefit.

  1. Ezek. xlvii. 11.
  2. Matt. iv. 23.
  3. Luke, vi. 19.
  4. John, vii. 23.
  5. 2 Kings, xx. 5.
  6. Num. xii. 14.