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The Traffic Technology Forum, a partnership of the Association for Road Traffic Safety and Management (ARTSM) and the Traffic Systems Group of the Association of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning & Transport (ADEPT), has developed a voluntary alternative to type approval for traffic control equipment. Traffic Open Products & Standards Limited (TOPAS) is a new body formed to oversee the promotion, maintenance and use of technical procurement standards, and a voluntary process for registering products to these standards. The aim is to minimise procurement costs and encourage standardisation.
The TR series of technical specifications previously managed by the Highways Agency/Highways England now become TOPAS procurement standards. Manufacturers will provide a Specification Compliance File to demonstrate compliance with the relevant technical specification, to be checked by an independent body, with an entry included on the TOPAS product register to that effect.
Variable message signs
The requirements for legends for use on variable message signs are unchanged from TSRGD 2002 and are shown in a new Schedule 16. With the removal of equipment type approval, performance requirements for the equipment are specified in schedule 16 Part 7 by reference to the relevant parts of BS EN 12966:2014.