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Hippolyte bowed. Each of the merchants contri­ buted two hundred roubles for the destitute children. ‘ Four hundred and eighty-eight roubles in all,’ proclaimed Bender. ‘What a pity! Twelve roubles short of a round sum I ’ Elena Stanislavovna, who had been trying to make up her mind, went into her bedroom, brought out an old-fashioned handbag, and took out the necessary twelve roubles. The meeting did not last for very much longer, and presently the guests began to disperse. ‘ We shall let you know the date of the next meeting,’ said Bender as he said good-bye. ' But remember this is a dead secret. It is in your own interests to keep it a secret.’ Kislyarsky made up his mind that he would never come near the place again and left in a hurry. ‘ You, Hippolyte,’ said Bender, ‘ will, I hope, accept Elena Stanislavovna’s invitation to stay the night here. I must be off.’ Hippolyte winked frantically at Bender, but Bender pretended he had not seen these signs and went out into the street. He thought of the five hundred roubles he had honestly earned. ‘ Hi I ’ he called to a cabman. ‘ Take me to " The Phoenix ”.’ The restaurant was closed. ‘ Why is it closed ? ’ asked Bender. ‘ The first of May,’ said the cabman. ‘ Drat them I Here am I with lots of money and nowhere to go. Take me to Plekhanov Street. I suppose you know where it is ? ’ Bender decided to visit his fiancee. What was the street called before ? ’ asked the cabman. ‘ I don’t know.’ ‘ Then how can I take you there ? ’ For an hour and a half they drove through the 7