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Presently he went up the hostel stairs and joined Bender in Ivanopulo’s room. Suddenly there was a whistle from the street and Bender went down to receive the reports of his young agents, who had managed their business splendidly. Four chairs had been taken to the Columbus Theatre, and one of the lads told him in great detail how these chairs had been taken to the theatre in a barrow, how they were unloaded and dragged into the building through the stage-door. Bender knew exactly where the theatre was. Another lad told him that two chairs had been taken away in a cab by a ‘ smart bird ’, but he was evidently not a very intelligent boy, for although he knew that the chairs had been taken to Varsonofiev Street and the flat was Number 17, he could not remember the number of the house. ‘ I ran so fast,’ said the urchin, ' that it must have flown out of my head.’ ‘ Well, you won’t get your money then,’ said the taskmaster. ‘ But I can show you where it is.’ ‘ All right. We’ll go together later on.’ The stranger who had questioned Bender was found to be living on the Sadovaya-Spaskaya Street, and Bender made a note of the exact address. The eighth chair had gone to the House of Nations. The boy who had followed that chair was very nimble, for he had overcome countless obstacles. He had even been able to get inside the house and had discovered that the chair had been bought by the Stanok news­ paper office. Two boys were still missing, but they ran up almost simultaneously, panting and tired. ‘ Barracks Street 1 ’ ' What number ? ’ ‘ Nine. Flat Number nine. Tartars living next door. Entrance through the yard. I carried the chair for them. We walked.’