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up to see what it was all about. The reporter took a few notes, wrote down the name of the injured party, and then ran on to the next excitement. Bender, feehng very proud of himself, went on his way, re­ gretting that he had not given the cabman a good thrashing. Presently he found he was near to the block of flats where Shchukin lived. He ran up the stairs two at a time and when he was near the top a splash of water fell on to his head. He looked up and a rush of dirty water poured on to his face. ‘ People should be had up for allowing such things,’ thought Bender as he climbed up to the top landing. A naked man covered with soap-suds was sitting on the floor with his back to Shchukin’s flat. His head was bent and he was swaying from side to side. Water was coming in a stream from under the door, and the man was sitting in a pool of water. He was groaning to himself. ‘ Look here,’ said Bender in an irritated voice, ‘ are you the idiot who is pouring all this water over the place ? What d’you want to take a bath here for ? ’ The man looked stupidly at Bender and began to sob. ‘ Listen, my friend,’ said Bender ; ‘ instead of sitting there crying, wouldn’t it be better if you got into a bath ? Look at yourself ! ’ ‘ The key,’ moaned the engineer. ‘ The key.’ ‘ What key ? ’ asked Bender. ' ‘ The key of the flat.’ Bender began to understand and almost fell down­ stairs with laughter which he could not suppress. ‘ You can’t get into your flat ? That’s easy enough.’ And carefully avoiding the wet man. Bender leant forward, poked at the lock with his thumb-nail, and the door of the flat immediately opened. The naked man got up, shouted with delight, and ran into the flat. The taps were gurgling, the dining-room was flooded and his slippers were floating