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CONVERSATION WITH NAKED ENGINEER 169 Hippolyte shook his head vigorously. ‘ What’s the matter with that ? What have you got against it ? ’ ‘ It’s too little. Yes, it’s too little.’ ‘ Too httle, eh ? Well, I’m bothered ! It’s thirty thousand roubles. How much more do you want ? ” ‘ I agree to forty per cent.’ ‘ Why, that’s dayhght robbery ! ’ mocked Bender as he imitated Hippolyte’s voice during the famous scene in the porter’s room. ‘ Thirty thousand roubles too little for you ? ’ Bender continued. ‘ What more do you want ? Perhaps you’d like the key of my room ? ’ ‘ It’s you who wants to have the key of my room,’ said Hippolyte. ' You take my advice and agree to the twenty per cent before I change my mind. I’m in a good mood now.’ Hippolyte had lost the confident air he had had when he set out on his search for the treasure. Fate was tossing him hither and thither, now taking him close to the diamonds, now pushing him away from them. He was suspicious and terrified of every one and everything. He could not see an end to his adventure. He felt he was being carried along by the stream, and he had neither the strength nor the wish to swim against the current. He felt he was being swept out to the open sea of adventure.