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‘ Slandered you ? ’ Bender took a long time in unfolding the newspaper. He looked at the door and noticed that it had a Yale lock. If a piece of glass in the door were cut out, then It would be quite easy to shp a hand through and open the door from the inside. The editor read the paragraph which Bender pointed out to him. ‘Well,’ said the editor, ‘where do you see the slander ? ’ Of course it s slanderous. What do you mean bv saying that I escaped with a fright ? ’ ‘ I don’t understand.’ Bender looked at the editor. ‘ As though I should be afraid of a cabman ! Why, you ve disgraced me in the eyes of the whole world and I must claim redress.’ ‘But I assure you,’ said the editor, ‘no one has disgraced you, and we would not dream of making redress for such a trifling matter.’ ‘ All the same,’ said Bender, as he went out of the room, ‘ I assure you I shall not let the matter drop.’ Bender had seen the chair, and that was all he wanted.