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‘ Take everything,’ said the widow. ' Anything you like.’ ‘ Well now, I happen to know where your son, Ostap Bender, is to be found. What reward are you offer­ ing ? ’ ‘ Take everything^—everything,’ repeated the widow. ‘ Twenty roubles,’ said Varfolomeich dryly. The widow stood up. Her clothes were covered with flour. ‘ How much did you say ? ’ asked the widow incredulously. ‘ Fifteen roubles,’ said Varfolomeich, feeling he would be lucky to get three roubles from the wretched woman. She went up to the old man, prayed heaven for assistance, and beat him down to five roubles. ‘ Well, well, let it be five, only I must have the money in advance. That’s my usual practice.’ Varfolomeich took two newspaper cuttings from his pocket-book and, without allowing her to touch them, began : ‘ Now just let us examine the whole matter in the right order. You wrote ; I Implore Those persons knowing the whereabouts of Comrade Bender, aged 25-30, brown hair, who left home dressed in a green suit, yellow boots, and pale blue waistcoat, to send infor­ mation to Madam Gritsatsuev, 15 Plekhanov Street, Stargorod


That’s correct, isn’t it ? Well, that was in the Star­ gorod newspaper, but now your little son is being written about in the newspapers of big cities. Look at this : KNOCKED DOWN BY A HORSE 12