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poem went on to describe how. out of ignorE’b the chemist in time and Sbdile ’ ^ts wound

iurfy^K?’’® the editor encouragibunderstand, we should prefer some­ thing different.’ All the same he took th? baffal Sid promised to pay for it on the foUowing Tuesday. thJn 7^^ to the next office, belonging to the D«i/y Gossip, where he was very welcome Doeing NnSp ^^"ting some poems None of your lyrics, but life! life I life I Somethmg to do with the postal telegraph workers ’ think,Lyapis. ‘ Only yesterday I was hmkmg about postal telegraph workers. I’ve got a poem about them. Here it is : Gavrila served as postman He carried letters round. . .

This went on for seventy-two lines, until in the end Gavrila is mortally wounded by a Fascist bullet • addrS? ' to the right Where does all this take place ? ’ Lyapis was asked not caUed gS takeTSa«’“h,‘’R'"°”® K “‘ion 1 Juace m Russia, of course, and the Fascist is ‘No "ifossed up to look hke a Fascist! ’ ven^ aSt SadL‘

‘ But why don’t you want the postman ? ’ Nikifor LyapiTwlntbackY^tV^r^ provisionaUy.’ offices, where he found Mumu of the'snSs conipeUtor, a port from one Again he offered a poem about Gavrila, but this time