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Text by N. V. Gogol Lyrics by M. Cherchezlafemmev. Music: Ivanov. Producer: Nikolas Sestrin. Lighting: P. Plashchuk. Noises: Malkin, Galkin, Palkin, Chalkin, and Zalkind. Wigs: Thomas Kochur. Furniture from the Workshops of Fortinbras. Instructress in Acrobatics: Georgette TirasPOLSKIKH.

The Hydraulic Press is under the direction of

Mechnikov. The Programme has been set up and printed in the F.Z.U.K.R.U.L.T. School. ‘ How do you like it ? ’ asked Hippolyte timidly. ‘ How do you ? ’ said Bender. ' I think it’s very interesting, but Stepan is rather odd, don’t you think ? ’ ‘ I don’t like it at all,’ said Bender, ‘ especially as it says the furniture comes from some Fortinbras workshop. How do we know they haven’t been break­ ing up our chairs ? ’ His fears turned out to be unnecessary, for at the beginning of the second act all four chairs were brought on to the stage by niggers wearing top-hats. The courting scene aroused the greatest interest in the audience. Agafiya Tikhonovna began to shde down a wire which was stretched from the top of the back of the theatre over the heads of the audience and orchestra and down on to the stage. At that moment Ivanov’s rowdy orchestra struck up such a hideous noise that it was enough to make Agafiya Tikhonovna fall off the