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voice was heard shouting : ' One hundred and thirty­ eight. A minute later his voice was heard coming rom somewhere near to the house : ‘ One hundred and forty-one. I’m not a miser, Mr. Bruns, but ’ At last the engineer could stand it no longer. He went on to the veranda, looked out into the darkness, and shcmted m a loud, angry voice ; ‘ The devil take you! Two hundred roubles, and take yourself off! ’ There was a rustle among the bamboo trees, a quiet groan, and the sound of retreating footsteps. Silence, lhe stars came out and glow-worms seemed to be pursuing Father Theodore. He had taken the last motor-bus along the coast to Batum, and that evening he dispatched the following telegram to his wife Katerina Alexandrovna : ‘Goods found. Wire two hundred and thirty roubles. Sell what you can.—Theodore.’ For two days he wandered round the engineer’s house with a radiant face, bowing to them from a distance, and from time to time calling out: ‘I’m not a miser. I’m only doing what my poor wife has asked me to do. On the third day he received the money, together with a desperate telegram ; Sold everything. Left without a single copeck. Kisses. Waiting. Evstigneyev still dines here.— Katya.

Father Theodore counted the money, crossed himself devoutly hired a lorry, and set out for the Bruns’ + wait and then went in to get the chairs. money,’ he said ; ‘ but I do wish you d reduce the price a little.’ ‘ longer,’ said the engineer. I ve brought you the money,’ said Father Theodore rapidly. ‘ You said two hundred roubles.’