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‘ Look at the way you’re dressed,’ chattered Bender. ‘ No one would dream of going about like that. You must have a smart shirt, silk socks, and, of course, a top hat. There’s something noble in your face. Pussy. Teh me, were you really a marshal of nobility ? ’ They went into the club and Bender pointed out the chair to Hippolyte. It was standing in the chess-room and looked quite an ordinary Gambs chair although it contained the treasure. Bender dragged Hippolyte out into the empty corridor. Then he went up to a window, unscrewed the catch and put it in his pocket. ' Now,’ he said, ‘ we can easily slip through the window to-night and get into the club. Remember, Pussy, it’s the third window from the front door.’ The friends wandered round for some time and examined the club. ‘ Come on, old man,’ said Bender, at last, ‘ I’ve still got twenty roubles left. We must have some beer before our visit to-night. What ? You’re turning your nose up at beer ? Never mind. Pussy, to-morrow you can drink as much champagne as you like.’ On their way home from the restaurant Bender was in a very good humour. He had his arm round Hippolyte’s shoulder and was teasing him. ‘ You know. Pussy, you’re a very nice old man, but I shan’t give you more than ten per cent. I swear I shan’t. Now what do you want money for ? ’ ' What d’you mean, what for ? ’ said Hippolyte testily. Bender laughed good-temperedly and went on teasing him.

  • What will you buy. Pussy ? You know you haven’t

any imagination, and I’m quite sure fifteen thousand will be ample for you. After all, you’ll soon die ; you’re getting on, you know, and what will you want money for ? When I come to think of it, I don’t think I’ll give you anything at all; it would absolutely