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writing a letter to the Sultan only his would be called : a ‘ The Bolsheviks writing a letter to Austen Chamber- 1 lain If his work of art were successful it might bring in as much as four hundred roubles. He had thought out these ideas the last time he was in Moscow. The first had come to him after reading in fl the evening papers that a polygamist had been sen­ tenced to two years only, and without any sohtary confinement. The other idea had come into his head in the picture gallery. But both projects had their drawbacks. He could not very weU make much of a ? show as a polygamist unless he had an immaculate grey suit and ten roubles for expenses. Of course he S could get married in his green suit, for he was quite handsome and irresistible enough for any provincial | Marguerite, but he would not be able to get hold of the 1 right type of girl. And it would not be so easy with s the picture. There might be technical difficulties. I What would happen if he were to paint Comrade 9 Kahnin in a high Cossack hat, and what would Comrade 1 Chicherin think if he were to see himself naked to the J waist in a picture ? Of course he could leave the l various people in their everyday clothes, but that would not be the same thing. ‘ No ! ’ he said aloud, ‘ it wouldn’t be so effective.’ Then he suddenly realized that the porter was talking animatedly to him, and was pouring out his reminiscences about the former owner of the house. 1 ‘Yes, and the head of the pohce always used to I salute him. ... I used to go and see him on New i Year’s Day to wish him a happy new year and he’d give me three roubles. . . . And at Easter another j three roubles. And on his birthday I’d go and wish j him many happy returns. And out of those congratu1 lations I’d make something hke fifteen roubles. ...

He even promised me a medal once. “ I want my s porter to wear a medal,” he said. “ So you just consider you’ve got one.” ’