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Hippolyte was trembling with emotion. ‘ such a price ? It only costs forty copecks anywhere else.’

  • Because of our conspiracy,’ said Bender.

A man suffers incredible torture when his head is being shaved with a safety razor. Hippolyte knew this from the start, but he had to go through with it. ‘ Now, now,’ said Bender, ‘ that’s aU right. It s aU Hippolyte shook the bits of green hair from his shoulders and looked at himself in the mirror. He was agreeably surprised. A face distorted with suffering looked out at him. It was the face of a fairly young actor who had no engagement. . ‘ Now then, advance, quick march 1 said Bender, ‘ the trumpet calls. I’ll go to the House Department, or rather to the place where it used to be. Meanwhile, you go and see the old women. . ‘ I can’t! ’ said Hippolyte. ‘ It’U be too painful. It’ll be too much for me to go into my old home

Ah ! yes. I forgot. It would be upsetting. baron returns from abroad. All right, you can the House Department and I shall work here. rallying point: the porter’s room. Now then, march ! ’

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