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mouse-coloured material. They were straining their necks towards a young man who was standing in the middle of the ring. This was the choirmaster, dressed in a coat and trousers of the same grey cloth, and he was beating time with both hands. ‘ Softer there, sopranos,’ he was saying. Gentler, Kokushkina ! ’ He turned round and saw Bender, but, unable to control his hands, he simply glared at him and went on conducting. The choir made a great effort, but it sounded as if the music were coming through a pillow. ‘ Ta-ra-ra, ta-ra-ra, ta-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra ! ’

  • Ta-ra-rum, ta-ra-roo, ta-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra ! ’

‘ Tell me,’ said Bender, ‘ where can I find the head of this home ? ’ ‘ Why, what d’you want, comrade ? Bender went forward, shook hands with the con­ ductor, and asked him genially : ‘ Folk songs ? Very interesting ! I am the inspector of fire preventives The superintendent blushed. ‘ Oh ! yes, he said, ' you’ve just come at the right time. I was just thinking of writing a report.’ .

  • Don’t you bother,’ said Bender magnanimously.

‘ I can write the report myself. Well now, let’s have a look at the building.’ , Alkin dismissed the choir with a wave of the hand, and the little old women tripped away with small, mincing steps. ‘ Kindly foUow me,’ invited the superintendent. But before moving Bender had a good look at the furniture in the room, which consisted of a table, two garden benches, and an old harmonium.

  • Any “ Primus ” stoves lit in this room . Any oil

stoves or such like ? ’ . ‘ No no,’ said the superintendent. Various groups meet here : the choir, the dramatic society, and the musical society'——’ At the word ‘ musical ’ Alkin blushed. He was