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Hippolyte’s voice. He looked Father Theodore up and down, picked up the chair, and turned on his heel. But the priest had recovered from his surprise and was determined not to allow Hippolyte score such an easy victory. With a shout of: ' No 1 I insist ! ’ he again seized hold of the chair. Again both of them stood with the chair between them and eyed each other like cats or boxers. ‘ So it’s you, holy father ! ’ hissed Hippolyte through his teeth. ' It’s you who are on the hunt for my goods ! ’ And having said this he kicked him. Father Theodore retahated with a kick which made Hippolyte wince. ‘ It’s not yours ! ’ ' Then whose is it ? ’ ‘ Not yours ! ’ ‘ But whose then ? ’ ' Not yours, in any case.’ There were more kicks. ‘ Whose is it then ? ’ shouted Hippolyte as he landed a kick in the holy father’s stomach. ‘ It is nationalized property.’ ‘ Nationalized ? ’ ‘ Yes, nationalized.’ They spoke rapidly. ‘ By whom ? ’ ' By the power of the Soviet.’ ' What power ? ’ ' The power of the workers.’ ' Oh ! ’ said Hippolyte. ' Did you say by the power of the workers and peasants ? ’ ‘ Ye-e-es ! ’ ‘ So you’re a party man, holy father, are you ? ’ ‘ Per-haps.’ Hippolyte could not stand it any longer. He pushed his enemy over. The priest fell with the chair and dragged Hippolyte down with him. They struggled together on the pavement.