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shouting instructions down to the workmen When his interest in the water main slackened he set to work again, but it was too late, for the children had been in his workshop during his absence and were now busy playing with the screws and iron poles belonging to the gates of house Number 5. As soon as they caught sight of the irate locksmith they took fright and tnrew away the nuts and screws. He tried to collect the yarious parts, but half the nuts and screws were missing and he could not find them anywhere. After this he lost all interest in the gates. Meanwhile terrible things were happening in house Number 5, where the courtyard had been left open to the street. Some washing that had been hung out to dry was stolen, and one eyening a samovar disappeared. Viktor Mikhaylovich took part in chasing the thiet, but although the thief was carrying a samovar wth boiling water in it, he was running well ahead of his pursuers and soon disappeared. The night porter of house Number 5 suffered most of all, for there was now no reason for late-comers to give him tips for opening the gates. At first the porter came to inquire when the gates would be ready, then the House Committee sent written reminders to Viktor Mikhaylovich, but he took no notice. The situation was becoming serious. As they stood by the well in the yard, the locksmith and the fortune-teller continued their conversation ‘ When will it all end ? ’ sighed the fortune-teller. ' We live here hke savages.’ ‘ There’s no end to it-— By the way, who do you think I saw to-day ? ’ ' I’ve no idea. Who was it ? ’ ‘ Hippolyte Vorobianinov.’ The fortune-teller was so astonished that she leant against the well. ‘ Yes,’ continued the locksmith. ‘ I was in the Administrative Department to see about the lease of