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34 Vinogradsky Street: twelve walnut chairs made by Gambs. Surprised at his own ingenuity, the old man smiled to himself and took the confiscation order to Father Theodore. ‘ All in one place ? ’ asked Father Theodore sur­ prised. ‘ Yes, they are all in the same place. You’ll be delighted. It’s a wonderful suite. But then why should I describe it to you ? You know what it’s hke, don’t you ? ’ Father Theodore shook the archivist’s hand warmly for a long time, and after stumbhng a number of times against the cupboards in the hall he ran out into the darkness. Korobeynikov chuckled over the customer he had managed to fool so easily. He put the gold coins down on the table and stared sleepily at them. ‘ What’s made them aU go mad on the Vorobianinov furniture ? ’ he thought. He undressed, said his prayers absent-mindedly, got into his narrow bed, and fell asleep with a worried look on his face.