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responsible for the Pelman announcements. This critic, however, could not explain how it was that men of the calibre of Admiral Lord Beresford, General Sir O'Moore Creagh, V.C., Lieut.-General Sir R. S. S. Baden-Powell, Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch, Sir William Robertson Nicoll, Sir H. Rider Haggard, Mr. T. P. O'Connor, M.P., Mr. George R. Sims, Mr. Max Pemberton, and many others came to write such glowing tributes to this Course in Mind and Memory Training. He agreed that their testimony was unimpeachable, and admitted (rather reluctantly, I thought) that perhaps there was more in Pelmanism than he had supposed. It is the declared opinion of hundreds of Pelmanists that the announcements of the Institute err distinctly on the side of moderation. Although the advertisements tell nothing but the truth, they do not tell all the truth, on the principle, I take it, that enough is as good as a feast. Then there 's the man who says : " Yes, Pelmanism is no doubt all right for the brain-worker or student, but I 'm a mechanic " or a farmer, a grocer, a policeman, a telegraphist, a rate collector, as the case may be. Just because some people reach much greater success than others in these vocations is proof that there is scope for keen workers in these and similar fields. PELMANISM FOR INDUSTRIAL WORKERS. A Pelman-trained mind will show the industrial worker, for instance, in which direction advancement lies, and what steps to take to attain the goal towards which he is striving. Thousands of letters from Pelmanists have been published at various times, demonstrating in unmistakable manner the great benefit which anyone can derive from the Course. A coal-miner declares Pelmanism to be very useful to him in his work ; a munition worker gives Pelmanism direct credit for his ability to design a patent pile ; a Manchester bleacher says he never spent money to better advantage than on the Course. These instances could be multiplied almost indefinitely. WThe man or woman who hesitates to adopt Pelmanism through a mistaken notion that it is useful only to the business and professional classes is neglecting the supreme opportunity of his or her life. If you have any lurking suspicion or any feeling of doubt concerning Pelmanism, apply to the Pelman Institute, at the address below, for a copy of " Mind and Memory," and carefully read it through. No sceptic who will take this slight trouble will longer remain unconvinced of the advantages which Pelmanism confers on those who adopt it in a whole-hearted fashion. Full particulars of the Pelman Course are given in " Mind and Memory" which also contains a complete descriptive Synopsis of the 12 lessons. A copy of this interesting booklet, together with a full reprint of " Truth's " famous Report on the work of the Pelman Institute, and particulars showing how you can secure the complete Course, at a reduced fee, may be obtained gratis and post free by any reader who applies to the Pelman Institute, G, Pelman House, Bloomsbury Street, London, JF.C.i.