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serving that they were furnished with a formidable quantity of war spears with which they had equipped themselves since my last visit.

I showed Weeip the small parcel—about as thick as a man's finger, and four inches long; and asked him if he would go? He readily said, Yes. All his scruples and demurs seemed to be at an end. He told me his plan. He should take two others with him, avoid some tribes who were not friendly, and keep near the coast; would reach his destination in 15 days, and come back in the same time. I made him calculate them over and over again; it was the same. I tied the parcel firmly to his belt, and he took his departure, again shaking hands, and twice looking back to say "Goodbye, Mr. Moore." I responded as often, "Good-bye, Weeip." As I turned away I felt a glow of satisfaction. I had thus been enabled to place a father in the way of earning liberty for his son, and probable redemption of himself, as well as relieving these poor fellow-creatures from the miseries of a state of lingering and hopeless proscription. I have dwelt long on this for it made a great impression upon me. It is not often that such an adventure comes in our way. Perhaps you will not grudge the space which I have devoted to it.

Conjecture is busy as to what vessel it can be. We have long expected a ship called the Mercury which is said to have sailed from Madras on 3rd of October. The time agrees, but nautical men consider it impossible, as no vessel from India should be near that part of the coast. On enquiry, I find the "wayl-men" long since brought some crowns and half crowns and other British coin here, but it was supposed that they had either stolen them or that some foolishly liberal person had given the money to them. The coin being all British, confirms the opinion that the vessel must be an outward bound Chinaman.

This evening I met Mr. B., who had been absent all day. He seemed nettled at the idea that I should have seen the