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Thursday, Feb. 19th.—The native "Gongul," who formerly threw the spear at me, came here to-day. I put my hand to the back of his neck, and turned him out. Capt. Meares also called here.

Saturday, Feb. 21st.—The well is sunk to the depth of 27 feet, and we have come upon water, but not much. Have been busy quarrying stone for building it up—hard red sandstone (iron stone). Would you believe that I have had a valentine sent to me?

Sunday, Feb. 22nd.—John Mackie dined here to-day, and I cannot write much, as he sits beside me.—The Governor has returned, and I must go to Perth to-morrow.

Monday, Feb. 23rd.—Rode down to congratulate the Governor on his return, and, behold, it was a false alarm. He had not then arrived. S— was there also to attend a meeting to consider about the establishment of a Bank.

Tuesday, Feb. 24th.—Went to Guildford to examine a bridge, and took the opportunity of visiting my flock, which is now there. Some are affected with a blindness of the eyes.—A person called Solomon has a small establishment now near my grant, on the other side of the hills. I think of sending a part of my flock there, He proposes to take them at the rate of £25 per hundred for the year. He has just imported some sheep, and a fine-wooled ram.—I have my men busied in planting potatoes. It is an experiment to put them down at this time of the year on dry ground. I have made use of the natives in breaking the hard clods with mauls. Two boys, rejoicing in the euphonious names of Tunagwirt and Manyumerra, have been quartered here by their father, with a sort of hint that his family was large enough without them. I think I shall try to keep the first of them. He tells me that white men call him "Tommy," which is certainly more familiar and easy than that long native name.—Just after I returned from Perth, Letty came with a face of woe to tell me there were but two pieces of beef in the barrel. Awkward announcement!